
Reed Gallery, UC (daap)

University of Cincinnati
College of DAAP
DAAP Galleries
Napoli Senza Titolo: Naples Untitled

A photographic exhibition exploring the relationship between Naples and its public spaces
Naples is a city of extremes. Famous for its beauty and creative spirit, it's also associated with environmental degradation and political corruption. This exhibit presents a look at the Naples of the last forty years, showing the variety of ways in which the city has responded to challenges facing it, and offering a narrative of the city that incorporates the many facets of its character, allowing each viewer to enter the cityscape in their own way. The exhibit explores the ways in which public spaces in Naples continue to be relevant and provide people with a sense of belonging.
The exhibition is called Naples Untitled because Naples is a city in flux, living between its hopes for a better future and fears of further decline.

Opening Thursday Nov. 10 at 5pm.
DAAP Galleries info here.

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