
Museum Gallery/Gallery Museum

Museum Gallery/Gallery Museum is located at 2161 Central Ave, Cincinnati.
Opening Reception Saturday Dec. 3rd from 7-10pm
Show runs through the month of December.

Also known as the hedgeapple, the osage-orange fruit is a bumpy pale green ball with an outer skin made up of a numerous small drupes. Osage was introduced to the southeast via Oklahoma, before the era of readymade fencing, to establish hedgerow borders for cattle fields in the recently clear cut Ohio Valley. Since then, the plant has taken over as dense undergrowth in many forests throughout the region, producing a grapefruit-sized bright green fruit that seeds in the Fall. Contained inside these small pods is a milky latex fluid.

Since graduating from East Jessamine Middle School in the late 90s, Jacob Isenhour and Will Tucker have maintained a conversation about their artistic research. With a common concern for how labor conditions and production time dominate environment and energy relations, these artists look for ideas and potentials that outfall property lines.

Jacob Isenhour, a painter/sculptor form Spears, KY
Will Tucker, a resident of Nashville, TN

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