Lecture: 4pm, Weds, October 26th in 5401
About: Janis Crystal Lipzin is a film artist who has been active for more than 30 years in media arts education, curatorial actions, and critical writing. She taught Film at the renowned San Francisco Art Institute from 1978 to 2009 where she served as Chair of the celebrated Film Department. She has made more than two dozen films and videos since 1973. Lipzin also creates photo-based inter-media work, including viewer-activated installations and film/video sculpture. Some subjects her work has addressed include arson-pyromania, pre-historic murder, pesticide abuse, and medical controversies. Her many awards include three National Endowment for the Arts Fellowships and purchase awards from the Carnegie Museum of Art, Rene di Rosa Foundation and Kramlich Collection. Her films and photo work has been featured in numerous museum shows including the Whitney Museum, Museum of Modern Art, Kunstmuseum (Bern), Institute of Contemporary Art (London), Berkeley Art Museum, and the Corcoran. Her independent films and videos are distributed internationally. She has curated media shows in London, New York, Kuala Lumpur, San Francisco, Bologna, Seoul and Busan (Korea). In addition, she founded and directed EYE MUSIC, the pioneering microcinema that produced media events at 80 Langton Street and the Exploratorium in San Francisco and internationally.
Website: http://canyoncinema.com/catalog/filmmaker/?i=201
Video Links: http://www.quicksilvermineco.com/shows/boxed_in/lipzin.html